[Nick Ade The Poet]
Stronger than the
average, Outlastin the average
A fuckin savage with
these lyrics I’ve masterfully crafted
Call me the alchemist
who molds words into masterpieces
Poetically sleepin in
my dreams not touched by reality
Casually awakening to
this society simply to bring
All these many words
out visually to your eyes
so you may read my
passion dwelling deep inside
Loving my life one
hardship at a time to experience
All the pains, the
joys, and the cries that come with
All these emotions I
provide a story never running dry
My eyes open to the
skies that reflect the depth of my mind
Deeper than a coal mine
as I load these words I find
Within the solace of my
heart beating to the tune
Of my rhythmic beat
drumming with the pen I leak
The ink of my lyrical
poetry as I continue strumming
my hands on this page I
create a lyrical showcase
as I lay a verse to say
what can’t be otherwise displayed
never to be erased as
I’m chased in the grim reapers haste
[Robert Gibbons]
And yet being stronger
than average
does not matter to the
hater or the faker
to those who decide
that my words are not
justice that my words
are not for them
those spooks who sit by
the door of entrance
those inhibitors those
limiters the ones
that look at me and
judge me the ones
begrudge me but I am
not about to stop this flow
there is too much more
to know do you hear me
I want you to fear me I
am a beast at least you know
I am equipped sipping
from the divine worth of gods
because it started in
antiquity your trite is mere iniquity
so I say be gone you
are alien and sedition this is premonition
it is just passion it
is the cashing in of the ancestors
the one that baptize me
in chrism died so I can live
it is holy ghost
running warm in my veins it is the utmost
that makes me not
ashamed so here I am clothed
and I am carrying I am
bold and I am burying these
doubts about my worth
this is a berth of a new son
[Nick Ade The Poet]
Fingers strumming the
tides like the sun that rises
The waves of energy coursing
through my mind
Supplied by my inner
soul produced by the light
Poetry is the byproduct
of the feelings inside
I live & die at the
same time I’m elevated high
Torn between the
imagination and reality I sit in-between
As my fingers bleed the
story unveiled through my scripture
Pulling the mental
picture dwelling deep in my psyche
I preach textually the
keys to my mind as I bind my pen & soul
Opening the doorway to
what has yet to be fully known
Gone are the tears, the
fears, now it remains all clear
Yet I’m similar to a
deer in the headlights, it remains so bright
So I’m lyrically bracing
my mind for the words to come flooding
The mental gates opening
now I build slowly as I mold, shape,
erase a masterpiece I’ve
now created with my instrument
outliving the hands
that once crafted the poem into creation
[Robert Gibbons]
and yes I am living the
everlasting plastering
these lyrics steering
these feeling
from the beginning to
the ending
from the bending of the
curves to
the heard of the voices
they come
they speak they peak
this time of year
its mine it mind over
matter it is the shatter
of the stereotype its
ignoring the hype its
deploring the trite
that comes to steal the joy
till the noise its a
new day in this etymology
its phrenology its the cosmology of community
its the blogging of the fog its the toil and
the tiller
its the word and the healer I am saved I am
its a newness encompass me it only because I
Written by;
Nick Ade' The Poet
& Robert Gibbons ©