Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Divine Origin


Failure was always a part of this unpredictable game
Yet we searched for an ounce of fame in the name
Of highlights glistening far & wide upon our faces
No matter the age, race, or pace we danced in
the rays cast from within the depth of our souls
knowing that what we imagined we thus created
in our minds was an architect that was able to define
a reality that could never be erased or stolen away
we glowed with such an unmistakable brilliance
that could never be fully described yet was able
to be witnessed with eyes wide shut to the delights
now we dwell within the shadows of the darkest nights
searching for the lost road back to our eternal homes
where we once played in ecstasy from dusk to dawn
have we truly been gone so long to have forgotten
the things we promised to achieve no matter the difficulty
yet we reminisce in our deepest dreams of images that
remind us of our true identity a divine origin that
simply can’t be understood with words of this reality

Nick Ade The Poet © 2012



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