Sunday, April 15, 2012

Ashes to Ashes Dust to Dust [My Love Will Never Rust]

Ashes to ashes dust to dust
What once was will forever be
My love for you will never cease
Dreams are made for us to achieve
I achieve nothing without you with me
You are everything I need to be happy
You are who I dream of when I sleep
I cannot rest in peace without you Next to me
Its your very breath I cherish eternally
Come with me on a whole new journey
One where we never need an attorney
For there is no prenuptial agreement needed
I would never abandon you and that’s the truth

Ashes to ashes dust to dust
What once was will slowly rust
But the love I have last longer than a diamond
Us together is what makes me great
Shining like the light that penetrates Every
corner of my heart because of the love I have for you
Knowing I’m next to you brings me peace a solitude
Serenity know there is nothing else I can do
But put all my energy into you for you to use
Use me long and hard I’ll bear every scare
Like a badge that marks our love together
I would never hurt you and that’s the truth

Ashes to ashes dust to dust
Give me a better solution
Than to be in love with you
Until then there is nothing else to do
But to be forever entranced by who you are
I’ll drive far sailing wide just to see
That smile that lights the darkness inside
My life has no true worth with you by my side
When I ride, I ride with the thought in my mind
That I am not worthy of you based on how I live my life
But the truth is I will forever cherish the ground you walk
The way you talk and the feelings you spark
Like a true artist I present with my lyrics the truth
How I feel about you is nothing new But I will
forever be true to you until I’m old And my life is through

George "Nick" Ade' Poet © 2011



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