Friday, December 14, 2012

I am your biggest Fan

You are the biggest star in my eyes
For, I am your biggest fan
You are a work of art in my heart
You are nothingness less than perfection
From the very start you had me
Intrigued by your mind your essence sublime
Truly you are one of a kind
Like a summer breeze you came to me
In the mist of the unbearable heat
You liberated me and shaded me
Giving shade away from all the strain
Yet you are a star in my eyes
For, I am your biggest fan

Did the world say that
 you are beautiful today?
If not what a pitiful shame
I’m simply a player in this game of life
But even with my simple eyes
I could never deny your elegant beauty
I praise God forever in awe of his Majesty
Presenting me with a woman of my dreams
Am I worthy of someone as beautiful as you?
The words I speak are the truth yet far from the truth
when I witness someone as amazing as you
to my delight you are continually a surprise
in my eyes you are nothingness less than perfection
without question I forever remember you
leaving me to think of you into the night
You are the biggest star in my eyes
For, I am your biggest fan

I am simply a man with a dream
Yet you are something greater
Than even my most wildest of dreams
You came to me by surprise
But once you entered my mind’s eye
I could never deny the facts
You are beauty by definition
Persistent is your essence
Lightening the darkness to my soul
Giving me hope to my hopeless despair
When I’m with you I have not a care
I am not worthy to be in your life
I just hope you can realize
You are the biggest star in my eyes
For, I  am your biggest fan

Nick Ade The Poet © 2012




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